Category Archives: Life Aboard

Geezers in the galley – Ten random tips for the first time galley hand

A typical boat galley

Facing your first turn in the galley any time soon? Perhaps a few episodes of Captain Ben’s Kitchen Nightmares could help.
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Geezers in the galley – Corned beef stew

Corned beef stew - ready to eat

Cooking, you either love it or can’t be arsed with it. But even the most oven-shy of sailors needs a dish or two up their sleeve.
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Sailing spouses

No Women Allowed

Wedded to the sea and wedded to your wife? There’s a good reason polygamy is mostly illegal. It mostly doesn’t work.
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Little bag of SIMs

If you get withdrawal symptoms without the Internet, you can avoid going cold turkey ’til the next WiFi hotspot. Continue reading