Category Archives: Scuttlebutt

Shortening sail

Duquesa to Gibraltar by land and by sea

A trip by sailboat is one of the slowest ways of getting from A to B. So why, so often, does it not feel that way? Continue reading

The end of the end of time

A calendar icon

Technology may giveth, but it also taketh away.
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Satellite hasn’t killed the radio star

Marine navigation on a smartphone

How Al Qaeda are bringing a little retro-chic to the dapper sailor-about-harbour’s must-have navigation aids. Continue reading

Ten random tips for aspiring sailboat crew

Bin the sailing manuals

Aspiring yacht crew would be well advised to bone-up on their sailing skills before their first sailing gigs. Here though are a few tips the courses might have missed.
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The boat today

Contented skipper

Sailors’ rhymes are oft obscene. By way of a change, I’ll keep this clean.
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A boat show no show

London Boat Show Logo

Has the London boat show had its day? Continue reading