Category Archives: Sailing Skills

Slime-line slashers

The Bloodstained Barnacle

Mooring up in a far-off land, I learnt the meaning of hand-over-hand
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Getting hooked on pot

A fishing put buoy at sea

You think pot will never get the better of you, But, sooner or later, you find yourself hooked.

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Zen and the art of close-hauled helming

Close hauled on a yacht's wind instrument

Close-hauled is one of the easiest points of sail to helm. So why are so many rookies uncomfortable with it?
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Sailing for the sub-sighted

Blurry Snellen Chart

Putting out to sea can still be good, even if you can’t see too good.
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Enough is enough


Just how do you know when you’re ready to take a boat out on your own? Continue reading

If there was any water there…

Small boat moorings on Scotland's West Coast

My “seaman’s eye” discovers a new clue to shallow water in an unfamiliar harbour. Continue reading

Five reasons not to give up your sailing dream

Like Tying your Shoelances

Been discouraged by a bad sailing course experience? You’re not alone. And it’s almost certainly not your fault.
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